The SAP BO WEBI Certification Sample Question Set is prepared to make you familiar with actual SAP C_BOWI_4302, C_BOWI_42 exam question format and exam pattern. To get familiar with more exam properties, we suggest you to try our Sample SAP BO WEBI Certification Practice Exam.
This Sample SAP BOWI Certification Practice Exam is designed for evaluation purpose only. If you are planning to write the SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Certification Exam (C_BOWI_4302, C_BOWI_42) and really want to test your SAP BO WEBI subject knowledge to identify your weak areas, we strongly recommend you to start your preparation with our Premium SAP BO WEBI Certification Practice Exam.
SAP BO WEBI Sample Questions:
- SAP provides a note "There are 'N' correct answers to this question." in actual SAP BOWI Certification Exam.
- SAP does not ask "True or False" type questions in actual SAP C_BOWI_4302, C_BOWI_42 Exam.
- SAP provides an option to Increase (+) or Decrease (-) font size of exam screen for better readability in actual SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Certification Exam.
QUESTION: 01 Answer: c |
QUESTION: 02 Answer: a |
QUESTION: 03 Answer: b |
QUESTION: 04 Answer: c |
QUESTION: 05 Answer: d |
QUESTION: 06 Answer: d |
QUESTION: 07 Answer: a, c, e |
QUESTION: 08 Answer: c |
QUESTION: 09 Answer: b, d |
QUESTION: 10 Answer: b |
Note: If you find any typo or data entry error in these SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence (BO WEBI) sample questions, we request you to update us by write an email on