Good Day,
I really want to say a big thank you for all the work that went through to create this site. You are real professionals and a golden ticket with resource in passing examinations.
I paid for the premium practice exams 2 weeks ago and trust me, it was the best decision of my life. I study the entire material and thought I had it locked but when I tried the practice exams, i passed yes, but not the way i felt from studying. So i continued the practice exams to understand the material and the approach much more. That was what I needed.
I sat my examination today, after practicing examinations and revised study materials for 2 and half full days and i achieved a 98% pass mark. I am so happy I saw your site and trusted you.
Keep up the good work as now I will start preparing for FICO to sit in a few months.
Looking forward to the practice materials.
SAP FI Syllabus