SAP ERP Certification

SAP ERP Certification Practice Exams

If you work in business operations, information systems, project management, or supply chain management, obtaining an ERP Certificate with SAP is a great way to extend your knowledge, stand out in a competitive job market, and make yourself a more valuable resource to the number of companies who use SAP software solutions. 

We are here to help you achieving your goal by using our certification practice exam platform. Our certification practice exams are divided in different categories based on SAP ERP modules,  please select the appropriate module to know more about it.

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ERP Testimonials... (Write a Testimonial!)

  • It was really a very good experience to give SAP exam & get such good score of 93%.
    This was possible only due to
    I recommend all student who eager to pass SAP certification in 1st attempt.
    I have completed Associate course & now I will go with erpprep shortly for another exam.
    Thanks a team

    May 15 2018 - 03:34
  • Hi ERP PREP!
    Passed SD cert with 95%. Props to this reviewer. Honestly 95% of the questions came from this site. Thank you very much!  Thanks to your team!

    May 11 2018 - 13:49
  • I got 90% after practicing here, thanks guys for your work. Got confident and now I can refer others too.
    Best practice site for SAP certification.

    May 10 2018 - 03:51
  • I have cleared my SAP MM certification exam on 29 March. Finally got the tag of "SAP Certified", but the credit goes to ERP PREP. The test series helped me to practise well and hence I could score well in the actual exam. I would recommend this to everyone who is appearing for SAP certification.

    Apr 25 2018 - 11:46
  • Cleared my FI Certification with good percentage on 24th April 2018. Premium practise papers have helped me to understand not only the concepts , but also the level of difficulty of question asked in the exam.
    These papers will also help you to understand your strong areas and weak areas.
    To those who are aspring to give exams in future, purchase premium exam papers and practise (Both 80 questions and 40 questions) and believe me, its worth spending in purchasing these practise papers.
    Study Materials + ERPPREP will give you good results.
    Also go through sample question paper 4 sets, provided by ERPPREP.
    Note: There are few questions, where answers are not verified. please be very sure and mark the answetrs accordingly.

    Apr 24 2018 - 12:17
  • Hello,
    This is Deepa *******. I had to share with you all the situation I was under before my exam. I got trained from Atos Pune. Instructer led training for SAP Sales and Distribution module. I was compltely fresher, had no product knowledge You all can imagine how much money we shelled out for the training. I came across this website and was little scepticle before enrolling and I worte to the team of SAP exam numerous times about queries I had about clearing this challenging exam. Everyday I use to practice (solve the papers) on their webiste for more then 10 times, and I always use to think am I doing the correct thing? am i following the right path? I was so tensed till the final day of my exam and when I entered the exam hall and after the completion of pre exam procdure I just prayed to GOD saying whatever I had studied  from this website should only come, and all glory to god more then 70% question were from this website. What more should I say.. I am so greateful to the team of ERPPREP.COM. They have made my life and I should say SAVED it as well. HUGE Round of applause to their team and all heads down. I really appreicate their hard work, talent gone inn & helping enhance the carrer of thousands of candidates like me. In near future whenever I plan to do any more certifications I will for sure without a shadow of doubt, will register again and I am sure I will not be let down. I scored 78% in just 2 weeks practice.
    Thanks Again! 

    Apr 16 2018 - 15:06
  • Dear All,
    Best website for clearing the SAP certificate exam. It helped almost in my paper regarding questions. All questions, answers are valid and help the indvidual in clearing the SAP exam. So, thank you very much for the help you are providing. Appreciate it very much.

    Apr 10 2018 - 09:08
  • Excellent source of materials for practice. I haven't got the time to re-read my notes the subsequent times due to my work commitments. But I kept trying the questions in; this reinforces my learning and understanding. The questions are very reliable and similar to actual SAP certification exam. I am extremely pleased with my results - 98% and would strongly recommend potential candidates to get hold of this material. Every dollar is worth it, no regrets!

    Apr 3 2018 - 19:36