We promise you 100% Money Back Guarantee if you fail to clear the actual SAP Certification exam. We are confident that you will not get a chance to use this option.

Unfortunately, If you don't get certified and fail to pass the actual SAP Certificate exam, we will refund the money you paid for the premium practice exam access.

1. Please email us the following details with your www.erpprep.com order number on refund@erpprep.com within 90 days from your purchase of premium practice exams.

  • Exam attempt certificate provided by SAP with scorecard or valid screenshots requested
  • Forward the email which you have received after exams completion which contains the link to the scorecard.
  • Government authorized User ID with Photo

2. Details mentioned in requested documents must match with the details provided while purchasing premium SAP certification practice exam.

3. You must have scored minimum 90% three times during entire practice with our full premium practice exam on www.erpprep.com before actual exam date and your access should active on the date of your exam. This statement is just to make sure that premium user can have enough practices with our premium practice exam before they appear real SAP Certification exam.

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