SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Sample Questions and Answers

C_LIXEA_2404 Dumps Free, C_LIXEA_2404 PDF Download, SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Dumps Free, SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant PDF Download, SAP Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification, C_LIXEA_2404 Free DownloadThe SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Sample Question Set is prepared to make you familiar with actual SAP C_LIXEA_2404 exam question format and exam pattern. To get familiar with more exam properties, we suggest you to try our Sample SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Practice Exam.

This Sample SAP LIXEA Certification Practice Exam is designed for evaluation purpose only. If you are planning to write the SAP Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Exam (C_LIXEA_2404) and really want to test your SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant subject knowledge to identify your weak areas, we strongly recommend you to start your preparation with our Premium SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Practice Exam.

SAP LeanIX Enterprise Architecture Consultant Sample Questions:

01. Who benefits the most from the information collected in SAP Lean IX to understand future-readiness of technology and its related risks and costs?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) Human Resources
b) C-level executives
c) IT departments
d) Procurement departments
02. Which languages does SAP LeaniX currently support?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) English, German, Spanish, French, and Russian
b) English, German, Chinese, Spanish, and Korean
c) English, German, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese
d) English, German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese
03. Your organization is planning a digital transformation project to improve efficiency. To ensure alignment with business goals and manage the IT portfolio effectively, which LeanIX features should be used?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Business Capability Map
b) Fact Sheets
c) Risk Management
d) Data Flow Diagram
e) IT Cost Management
04. When should you model a platform?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) When you want to provide information on platform owners
b) When you want to communicate a complicated technical topic
c) When you want to simplify an application portfolio
d) When you want to adhere to technology standards
05. Which of the following roles are considered main contributors to support technology transformations?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) CIO
b) Project Manager
c) Enterprise Architect
d) Software Developer
06. During an application rationalization initiative, what are key factors to consider?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) The age of the applications
b) The strategic relevance of each application
c) The number of users per application
d) The geographic location of users
07. What is a primary goal of application portfolio assessment in LeanIX?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) To streamline customer service processes
b) To increase the number of applications used
c) To identify applications for upgrade or replacement
d) To maximize the IT budget
08. What key benefit does SAP LeanIX offer to organizations in terms of enterprise architecture management?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) Enhanced visibility and control over IT landscapes
b) Reduction in the number of IT personnel required
c) Increased hardware efficiency
d) Rapid deployment of IT infrastructure
09. A company uses LeanIX to manage its IT portfolio. Which features would best help in analyzing historical data trends and future IT forecasting?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) Surveys
b) Fact sheets
c) Quality seals
d) Diagrams and reporting tools
10. Which LeanIX feature would you use to evaluate the impact of retiring an application?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) Business Capability Map
b) Fact Sheets
c) Data Flow Diagram
d) Heat Maps
Quick Tips:
  • SAP provides a note "There are 'N' correct answers to this question." in actual SAP LIXEA Certification Exam.
  • SAP does not ask "True or False" type questions in actual SAP C_LIXEA_2404 Exam.
  • SAP provides an option to Increase (+) or Decrease (-) font size of exam screen for better readability in actual SAP Enterprise Architecture Consultant Certification Exam.


Answer: b
Answer: d
Answer: a, b, c
Answer: b
Answer: a, c
Answer: a, b
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: c

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