How SAP Certification Can Boost Your Career?

SAP Career, SAP Certification, SAP Professionals, SAP Project, SAP ERP Certification, SAP Associate Certification, SAP Practice Test, SAP Certification Syllabus, SAP Exam, SAP ModuleWhen you hear the term “SAP Certification,” what is the first thing that comes into your mind? SAP Certification is considered as the biggest provider of ERP Certification with almost 25,000 individuals who want to attain their certification. According to researchers, SAP Certification can be defined as a tailored and flexible program that is open to partner employees, independent consultants, client employees, SAP employees and SAP clients. How can SAP Certification boost your career? This is one of the usual questions that most SAP clients and SAP employees want to know.

According to studies, SAP Certification can truly boost your career since most of the programs of SAP Certification are creatively designed and developed to the high standard. If you want to easily obtain your SAP Certification, the first thing that you should consider is to demonstrate your abilities and excellent knowledge. Those individuals and consultants who already attain their professional level SAP Certification belong to the elite group and at the same time they have an exceptional and successful career than those individuals and consultant who have not yet obtain their SAP Certification. The real success of SAP Certification is through the mixture of qualification, investment into certification and direct experience.

Those individuals who already experienced the well-known SAP implementation have the ability to improve their respective career prospects with the presence of their SAP Certification. It is a fact that SAP Certification is very useful especially to those individuals who want to pursue their career as the independent consultant. Investing with SAP Certification will strengthen your marketability in the competitive environment as well as improving your prospects of maintaining and finding your clients. In connection with this, SAP Certification is also considered as long term investment that will greatly help you to attain your future career success. The success in obtaining SAP Certification cannot be done overnight since it requires time, effort, passion, dedication and the open mind.

Individuals who already obtained their SAP Certification have the ability to demonstrate their experience and relevant knowledge in the real world of SAP. When you have your SAP Certification, you can be sure that you can easily and quickly secure your SAP career shortly. For you to be more familiar with SAP Certification, it is very imperative that you know the SAP Certification level. Here are they:

SAP Certification Levels

The SAP Certification has three levels which are presently attainable. The SAP Certification includes Master, Professional, and Associate.

  • Associate Level Certification

This is also known as basis level programs that are open to anyone who is very dedicated in pursuing their SAP career. This level will greatly help you to develop your ERP and SAP knowledge. The Associate level certification covers all verticals of SAP, which includes SAP ERP, Application, Net Weaver Platform, HANA, Business Objects, etc.

  • Professional Level Certification

This level of SAP Certification is open to those individuals who already proven their experience on SAP project implementation and at the same time understanding the ERP software.

  • Master Level Certification

Most of the candidates of Master Level Certification need to demonstrate their expert knowledge on the SAP implementation and at the same time show their broad project experience. This level of SAP Certification is quite lengthy and rigorous, and most of their candidates are required to completely demonstrate their expertise in the form of practical and formal methods.

According to survey, 90% of candidates go for the associate level of certification, and out of them only 2-3% candidates go for the professional level of certification. Only rare case candidates go for the master level of certification.

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