Brenda is from the USA. We truly welcome her success story on SAP C4C10 Application certification (C_C4C10_2015). She has shared her experience here.
You can also share your certification experience with other if you have cleared your SAP certification exam. Your minor effort will guide other candidates to understand the SAP certification exam pattern.
About the certification center:
Type of exam: Online Proctor
Exam Environment:
(In her words) "I had good experience with question mark based online proctor exam while sitting at home. It was casual and comfortable while attempting the actual test."
About Certification:
Name of Certification: C_C4C10_2015 - SAP Certified Application Consultant – SAP Cloud for Customer
The format of Certification Exam:
(In her words) "I have already attempted CRM certification in the past, business functions and a concept was clear. I have just followed the certification syllabus of C4C10 application and refer the class on Certification Hub. SAP has defined world class learning infrastructure."
Her Experience During the Exam:
(In her words) "As I was at home, I did not find any disturbance while exam. I had the water bottle with me to save time. Proctor was helpful to guide me when required. Online exam environment was as same as I practiced on"
How Did she Prepare:
(In her words) "I had no time to prepare for the exam during weekdays. I canceled all my personal plan for at least 3-4 weeks during weekends. Completed my training on Certification Hub with continuous practice in a local environment set up done on my private server. At the end (now helped me to introduce exam environment and latest exam pattern defined for SAP Cloud for Customer application certification C_C4C10_2015" (C_C4C10_2015 online practice exams)
Her Score in Exam: She passed SAP Certified Application Consultant - SAP Cloud for Customer (C_C4C10_2015) with 80%.