Yes, you can purchase multiple Premium Certification Practice Exams in a single transaction. However, we recommend purchasing a maximum of 2 or 3 exams at a time due to the following reasons:
- Effective Preparation: Certification exams require dedicated study time, and preparing for multiple exams simultaneously can be challenging.
- Frequent Syllabus Updates: Certification exams are regularly updated to reflect the latest changes in technology and best practices. Purchasing too many exams at once may result in some exams becoming outdated before you get the chance to attempt them.
How to Purchase Multiple Exams at Once:
- Navigate to the certification category and select your first practice exam.
- Click on "Buy Now" to add the exam to your cart.
- Repeat the process for additional exams by selecting another certification and clicking "Add to Cart."
- Once you have added all desired exams, go to your Shopping Cart and proceed to Checkout.
- Complete the payment, and all purchased practice exams will be available in your "My Premium Exams" section.