Sap S/4 HANA Certification

Before purchasing the SAP exam guide on S/4 HANA from, I had failed the S/4 HANA certification at the first attempt. It took me 5 months to prepare for the second attempt and I was still not confident about giving the exam another shot. Then I stumbled upon the while I was searching for DOMS online. After reading testimonies on its website (although still in doubt), I decided to purchase the S/4 HANA Financial Accounting Module in March. Studied the questions intensively for a period of 3 days and I decided to go ahead with the already scheduled exam (which I forgot to cancel). And just like that, I passed the exams. I was ecstatic.

Thank you Although i did not use the dom for the intended period of time, it was indeed worth it coz i had to commit most of the questions to memory and suprisingly, they were the same.

