SAP ABAP Certification Sample Questions and Answers

C_TAW12_740 Dumps Free, C_TAW12_740 PDF Download, SAP ABAP 7.40 Dumps Free, SAP ABAP 7.40 PDF DownloadThe SAP ABAP 7.40 Certification Sample Question Set is prepared to make you familiar with actual SAP C_TAW12_740 exam question format and exam pattern. To get familiar with more exam properties, we suggest you to try our Sample SAP ABAP Certification Practice Exam.

This Sample SAP ABAP 7.40 Certification Practice Exam is designed for evaluation purpose only. If you are planning to write the SAP ABAP Certification Exam (C_TAW12_740) and really want to test your SAP ABAP subject knowledge to identify your weak areas, we strongly recommend you to start your preparation with our Premium SAP ABAP 7.40 Certification Practice Exam.

SAP ABAP 7.40 Sample Questions:

01.  Which of the following rules must you follow when creating subscreens?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Subscreens CANNOT have a field of type OK.
b) Subscreens can have a dialog module containing SET PF-STATUS.
c) Subscreens can call other subscreens.
d) Subscreens CANNOT have an AT EXIT-COMMAND module.
02. Which of the following conditions must be fulfilled when using a GROUP BY clause in a SELECT statement?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) The SELECT statement must also have a WHERE clause.
b) All fields in the SELECT clause that are not part of an aggregate function must be listed after GROUP BY.
c) The table in the FROM clause must be a transparent table.
d) The fields after GROUP BY must have a character type.
03. Which of the following data types are predefined ABAP data types?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
04. Which of the following controller types can exist only once in a Web Dynpro component?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Window controller
b) Component controller
c) Configuration controller
d) View controller
05. You need to perform a downcast. What should you do?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Catch the exception CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR.
b) Use the operator “=“.
c) Perform the downcast only if an upcast has already been done for the object reference.
d) Assign a subclass reference to a superclass reference.
06. Which of the following repository objects can you maintain in the ABAP Workbench?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Function modules
b) Internal tables
c) Business functions
d) Transparent tables
e) Module pools
07. You want to define data structures to hold two fields with data elements s_carr_id and s_carrname. Which of the following declarations can be used to define this data structure?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_flight,
b) DATA: BEGIN OF gs_flight,
c) DATA BEGIN OF gs_flight,
d) TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_flight,
08. What are characteristics of a hashed internal table?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) It can be accessed using the key.
b) It must have a unique key.
c) It can have a non-unique key.
d) It can be accessed using the index.
09. Which of the following functions does the ABAP Dispatcher perform?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) It directs HTTP requests from an SAP system to a web server.
b) It enables communication between SAP systems and external application systems.
c) It distributes user requests among available work processes.
d) It communicates with other instances in the system.
10. What process is used to establish the automatic transport of data between the view controller's context-attributes and the UI element in its layout?
Please choose the correct answer.
a) Context mapping
b) Data migration
c) Data binding
d) View assembly
Quick Tips:
  • SAP provides a note "There are 'N' correct answers to this question." in actual SAP ABAP 7.4 Certification Exam.
  • SAP does not ask "True or False" type questions in actual SAP C_TAW12_740 Exam.
  • SAP provides an option to Increase(+) or Decrease(-) font size of exam screen for better readability in actual SAP Certification Exam.


QUESTION: 01 Answer: a, d QUESTION: 02 Answer: b, c QUESTION: 03 Answer: a, b, c QUESTION: 04 Answer: b, c QUESTION: 05 Answer: a, c
QUESTION: 06 Answer: a, d, e QUESTION: 07 Answer: a, b QUESTION: 08 Answer: a, b QUESTION: 09 Answer: c, d QUESTION:10
 Answer: c

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